Tin Man’s wish in The Wizard of Oz Crossword Clue & Hint

Hello there, are you stuck with today’s crossword “Tin Man’s wish in The Wizard of Oz” clue, and looking for the answer of v crossword clue? Don’t need to worry, you are at the right place, in this post we will talk about the Tin Man’s wish in The Wizard of Oz crossword clue, and we will also provide you the answer of today’s Tin Man’s wish in The Wizard of Oz crossword.

Crossword is an entertaining and fun word puzzle game, in this game you’ll guess a word with the help of provided hint and clue by the crossword game. Today’s crossword clue is Tin Man’s wish in The Wizard of Oz and the answer of Tin Man’s wish in The Wizard of Oz crossword clue is HEART.

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