Send via FedEx Crossword Clue

HI there, hope you are doing well today. In this post we will talk about the Send via FedEx crossword clue and also we’ll share the answer of this clue with you. Crossword is famous for its freshness and novelty, that’s why a huge number of people are interested to play this game on a regular basis.

In this puzzle game you’ll get the fresh clues every day, then it is your job to guess the answer or word according to the provided clues. Here, we’ll guide you with Send via FedEx clue.

Send via FedEx Crossword Clue

Are you facing trouble to guess the answer of Send via FedEx clue, and now you are looking for the answer of this clue? Well here we’ll provide you that.

The answer of Send via FedEx crossword clue is Ship.

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