Ironic name of Elle Woods’s chihuahua in Legally Blonde Crossword Clue – Answer

Hello, I hope you all are doing well today. So in this post we will talk about the Ironic name of Elle Woods’s chihuahua in “Legally Blonde” crossword clue, and we will also provide you the answer of crossword Ironic name of Elle Woods’s chihuahua in “Legally Blonde” clue. Crossword is a famous word puzzle game, and millions of people are playing this game every day. The game crossword is popular for its freshness and novelty, if you are a lover of word puzzle game then you must have to play this game.

You’ll get different clues in this game, then it is your task and job to guess the answers of that given clues.

Ironic name of Elle Woods’s chihuahua in Legally Blonde Crossword Clue

Are you stuck with crossword’s Ironic name of Elle Woods’s chihuahua in Legally Blonde clue, and looking for the answer of this clue? By the grace of luck you are at the right place, because here we will provide you the answer of this clue.

The answer of Ironic name of Elle Woods’s chihuahua in Legally Blonde crossword clue is Bruiser..

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