April 1 Gag Crossword Clue

Hello there, I hope you are doing well today. In this post, we will discuss the April 1 gag crossword clue, and we will also share the answer of crossword’s April 1 gag clue with you. Crossword is a famous words puzzle game in which you have to guess a word according to the provided clues by the game.

Although crossword is a fun word and entertaining game, but there is no doubt it is also a tough and challenging game. In this game you’ll get different clues everyday, then it is your job to guess the words according to the clues.

April 1 Gag Crossword Clue

Are you stuck with crossword puzzle, and looking for the answer of April 1 gag crossword clue? Well you are at the right place, here we will guide you with that.

The answer of crossword’s April 1 gag clue is Prank.

Do you know the answer of? His statue can be found around D.C.’s Tidal Basin

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